
Computer Science

  • Network Systems (CSCI 4273)

    This course studies the basic concepts, design principles, underlying technologies, and services of computer networks. Topics include link-layer protocols, routing, congestion control, and internet protocols.

  • Design and Analysis of Operating Systems (CSCI 3753)

    Analyzes the software that extends hardware to provide a computing environment, including the role of linkers, file systems, resource sharing, security and networking. Studies the history of operating system organization and design and their influence on security, functionality and reliability.

  • Computer Systems (CSCI 2400)

    Covers how programs are represented and executed by modern computers, including low-level machine representations of programs and data, an understanding of how computer components and the memory hierarchy influence performance.

  • Intro to Cyber Security (CSCI 3403)

    Introduces core concepts in cybersecurity including confidentiality, integrity, authentication, risk management, and adversarial thinking. The concepts will be applied to both traditional information technology (IT) systems and cyber physical systems (CPS). At the conclusion of the course students should have a solid foundation in cybersecurity and hands-on experience.

  • Data Structures (CSCI 2270)

    Studies data abstractions (e.g., stacks, queues, lists, trees, graphs, heaps, hash tables, priority queues) and their representation techniques (e.g., linking, arrays). Introduces concepts used in algorithm design and analysis including criteria for selecting data structures to fit their applications

  • Algorithms (CSCI 3104)

    Covers the fundamentals of algorithms and various algorithmic strategies, including time and space complexity, sorting algorithms, recurrence relations, divide and conquer algorithms, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, linear programming, graph algorithms, problems in P and NP, and approximation algorithms.

Leadership Studies

  • Leadership Foundations and Applications I and II (PRLC 1810 + 1820)

    Introduces fundamental principles of leadership and ethics and explores challenges to leadership at the community level such as drug abuse, poverty, decline of infrastructure, care of the aged, etc. This course helped push me to reflect on my own leadership traits and who I wanted to be as a leader. It also provided a great place for me to fail, with constructive criticism helping to build me back up. Through this I was able to greatly hone in my presenting and public speaking skills.

  • Global Issues in Leadership (PRLC 3810)

    Gives students a chance to explore current and relevant world issues by allowing them to do deep dives into the leadership behind the issues. In this class I learned how to keep listeners engaged through long presentations, write memos, and communicate effectively with those who manage you. I also was able to gain a more holistic world view because each topic was required to be looked at from more than one persepctive. I now try to continue to that practice because I find that it can be very helpful in my growth.

  • 21st Century Leadership (PRLC 4010)

    An oppurtunity to learn about the UN and its sustaiable development goals by exploring each goal further as well as the different leadership practices in place around the goals. A big takeaway I had from this course was to not always trust the data because data can be very easily skewed in order to portray a specific situation. I also learned how to work backwards to solve a problem. I found that by starting at the end goal and working your way towards the first step to be a great way to get a roadmap to achieving a certain goal.

  • Leadership Capstone (LEAD 4000)

    Finds the intersection of leadership theory and practice through an immersive practicum with a partner organization and in class activty and discussion about relevant theory and readings. I came away from this class with a much greater appreciation of the Boulder County Farmers Market (our practicum partner) and the immense effort that non-profits put into their helping their issues. I also came away from the class with a deepened understanding of other wicked problems.